Anticipated BIEK HSC Examination Date Sheets for 2023

With the start of 2023, the hype of exam dates is also surging among 11th and 12th-grade (intermediate) students. Following the footprints of BSEK in making the announcement of provisional date sheets of the 9th and 10th-grade students, BISEK has also released the estimated date sheet plan for upcoming Intermediate exams for the year 2023.
The Students experience the excitement surrounding the intermediate exams every year from May through July. The BIEK is the organization in charge of overseeing the intermediate exams in Karachi. The nine faculties that are associated with BIEK are given below in total. They are as follows:
The BIEK has a significant amount of responsibility in carrying out intermediate exams for Karachi students. These tests are essential since they will determine the pupils’ future careers. Some talented students turn their ambitions of attending Karachi’s best engineering, medical, and management sciences institutions into reality based on the outcomes of these intermediate exams.
Expected Inter Board Exam Karachi Date Sheet for the year 2023:
The intermediate board exam in Karachi mostly takes place in June. The date sheet for the same is announced one month earlier so that students can keep themselves well-prepared for the exam battle. Sample model papers and paper patterns are updated on the BIEK website for the students to refer to. A similar exam pattern will be followed in 2023 as of 2022 and 2021, which includes 50% MCQs, 20% Detailed questions, and 30% Short questions.
Intermediate examinations are anticipated to start in June of this year. The inter-exam registration process is currently in full swing. Students must register on time to avoid being charged a late fee of Rs. 500.

Inter Board Exam Karachi Date Sheet for the Year 2022:
Annual Inter board exams were held in Karachi on June 18, 2022. While the practical exam began in July, the theory exams were held in June. All staff members who were in charge of performing invigilation duty during intermediate exams were corona vaccinated following the Government of Sindh guidelines. These steps were taken to guarantee the security of the pupils. During exams, students were also urged to adhere to SOPs. The date sheet issued by BIEK contains all the necessary information regarding the exam date, venue, and exam timings. Hence students are always advised to follow the instructions on the date sheet closely. As per Dawn, 190,000 students took intermediate exams in Karachi in 2022.
The exam paper format for 2022 was created to incorporate 50% multiple-choice questions, 20% detailed questions, and 30% short questions. The three-hour exam was condensed into two hours. The Ministry of Education committed to releasing the HSC examination results in 90 days after the exams.
Inter Board Exam Karachi Date Sheet for the Year 2021:
In the same way that the Corona Pandemic affected the economy, it also impacted the country’s educational system. The intermediate exams were held on August 23, 2021, after being postponed. According to reports, the final exam was conducted on September 13, 2021. The new paper pattern was issued for Intermediate board exams in 2021, which was meant to be followed in the upcoming years. The paper pattern was constructed to include 50% MCQs to target students’ prompt knowledge, 30% of the paper had short questions, and the remaining 20% tested students for detailed questions. This division made the entire 100 marks exam paper for intermediate students.
In 2021, some 22,219 students took intermediate exams in Pre-Medical faculty, out of whom 20,637 cleared the exams with flying colors to seek admission to Medical Universities in the city.
A Word of Advice:
We at Classroom PK are earnestly trying to bring all the essential educational news to light. Our sincere advice to students is to prepare themselves in the best manner, using this golden time to outperform in their upcoming exams.